Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tips & Tricks : Face/Makeup

Here are my makeup tips and tricks :
*Never sleep with makeup still on it might not be there in the morning but that just means its clogged up all your pores! Always wash off, or use makeup remover of some kinds!
*A natural toner? Fresh apple juice! 
*If you apply concealer first you won't need as much foundation!
* To know where to apply blush bend over for 30 seconds, then slowly stand up. Where your cheeks are flushed is where you are meant to blush.
* Make sure you blend in your blush with your foundation, or it looks unnatural and sometimes makes you appear older.
* Setting a liquid foundation with powder gives the best results.
* Never use face primer all over like foundation, but just on your cheeks the 'T' on your forehead and center of your jawline. Those are the places where you will mainly need it!

Lips : 
*Heavy eye makeup - don't choose a dark lip color! 
*Use lipstick for staining if your not a lipstick person its great to wear with matching lip gloss.
*For dark lips like mine I like to put on a layer of oil (herbal oils are the best) on my lips and got to bed, and my mom tells me it helps to eat fruits and veggies? Not completely sure about that but yeah...
*If you get dry chapped lips in the winter or any other time don't lick your lips that will make it worse!
*Coco butter is good for dry lips!
* To make your lips look plumper don't make a hard line with your lip liner instead smudge it out!

Eyes :
* Never pump the applicator into the mascara tube always twist or you mascara can dry out faster.
* To make you lashes look fuller and your eyeliner to appear natural, don't make a line, put small dots along your lash like somewhat tightly together.
For a dramatic look, draw a line of black eyeliner inside your lash line (as close to the lashes as possible), then along the top of the lash line.
* To make your eyes look brighter add a lighter color on your inner corner. Since I'm most into Neutral [Brown] Smokey Eyes I  always like adding a gold or copper  color there. 
* for really hard areas to conceal use a creamy concealer after smoothing it over the area press down with a make up sponge and set with powder. 
* When applying a dark shadow to the crease of your eye make sure to blend out the edges and not bring in the color to far into your inner corner.
* Shimmer makes eyes really pop, but it also highlights heavy lids, lines and wrinkles.
* If you want to splurge money on a high end product but your not sure what to get always go with eye shadow its one of those things that if worth the splurge!!
* When applying make up near your eyes or applying concealer use your ring finger its the most gentle!

That's all for now! I know all these like quirks but most of them didn't come off the top my head I did do some research while typing these up, there are so many other things I could have put but these are the things I do personally and that's why they are there! 

Bye! (:

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